Guest Post: Bon Appétit! But Please No Cobb Salad Lunches For Me!

It's time to kick off the very first Taste As You Go blogging series - the Guest Blogger Series! I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing bloggers over the past year, some in person and some virtually via Google Reader and Twitter. In an attempt to introduce my readers to some bloggers they may not know about and to highlight the writing skills of some incredibly talented people, I will be featuring Guest Posts on Taste As You Go from time to time.

The first Guest Post was written by my new friend Constance Korol, who I met at the Foodbuzz Community Table event a few weeks ago. In the short time that I've known Constance, she's given me tremendous advice about everything from blogging to social networking to running! When you're finished reading Constance's Guest Post, you should check out her blog, Twitter Coach. Thanks for writing, Constance!

Constance Kitchen B

I came home the other night from seeing the wonderfully entertaining feel-good movie of Julie and Julia, gave a kiss to the hubbie and opened up the laptop to start writing this guest post for my new foodie friend Michelle. As usually, I check in with Twitter and I see a new Mashable post "Study: Social Media is for Narcissists".* As I ponder that thought, I go back to the movie and try to place myself. I am not going to give away the movie here, but I saw a little bit of Julie, one of the movie's main characters and "dedicated" blogger, in myself. Deep down, though, I found myself really wanting to be the fun-loving, brilliantly calm Julia. Both had their yearning for fame, let alone success, accomplishments and acceptance, Julia Child was just more poised.

Julia Child

From experience, it helps to write with passion and with great interest. I met Michelle at a Foodbuzz/Visa Signature Card event a couple of weeks ago. Our dinner consisted of wonderful flavors and great conversation. Most of us were complete strangers, yet we all came together at the dinner table because we shared a common interest - the love of food and the love to write about food and meal experiences. If you saw the movie, you will understand "no Cobb salad here," and if you didn't, it is truly a must-see.

Michael Korol

I enjoy writing about many different topics, but I have one rule which states that it has to come straight from the heart. As in the Julie and Julia movie, my husband plays a huge part in who I am and what I do. I just love that we can have that partnership where I can rely on him for not only "The" image, as he is a professional photographer, but the emotional support to all of my social media postings. It's a great connection, something I believe we all strive for in life.

So, is it narcissism or just human nature to want to be successful, have companionship and live life doing what your passion drives you to do? We all have talent - it's those sharing their talent who will be able to pass on the message inspiring, educating and helping others grow, all while growing themselves. If you can relate to my writing and enjoy the conversation, that is the meal. Accolades are the icing on the cake.

Image from Julie and Julia Movie

Happy cooking, happy eating, happy sharing. Meals are not just eating food, they're so much more. I highly recommend Julie and Julia. Brilliantly done, entertaining, and it brights a smile to the face throughout the movie. Hats off to Meryl Streep! :)

Thank you, Michelle, for inviting me as your guest. Readers, your comments are encouraged. You should follow me on Twitter and friend me on Foodbuzz.

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