Featured Friday, Volume 1.13

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When I started the Featured Friday series on Taste As You Go, I wanted to "choose a few posts from the list of blogs I follow and offer my thoughts about them -- what I learned, what I found enjoyable, what I found objectionable, etc." Somewhere along the way, the series morphed into round-ups of recipes that called for specific ingredients. It's not that I dislike gathering these recipes into one place... I just wish I had more time to explain why I picked them.

Hopefully, some day, I'll be able to reclaim some of my time for my blog. But, until then, here are some recipes featuring squash!

Do you have a squash recipe you'd like to share? Leave a comment with the link, and I'll include it in the round-up! (Pending approval, of course.)

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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