Featured Friday, Volume 1.14

Featured Friday Logo - Taste As You Go

Did everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving? Hopefully, you aren't suffering too much from indigestion. As predicted, I was only able to eat one plate of food, but I made absolutely sure there was no empty space on that plate. You'd think the last thing I'd want to do right now would be to write about food, but it's [Black] Friday. That means it's time for another Featured Friday post!

Even though Thanksgiving has come and gone, I'm going to post one more round-up of recipes featuring pumpkin. I'm sure many of you have extra cans of pumpkin puree in your cabinet. Maybe one of these recipes will inspire you to reach for the can opener and use up that pumpkin before next Thanksgiving!

If you're still looking for pumpkin recipes, check out the Featured Friday posts featuring pumpkin that I previously published.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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