Better Homes and Gardens Giveaway Winners
With the arrival of June comes another sweltering day in New York. Like last year, we seemed to have skipped over the season of spring altogether.

Before I keel over from heat stroke, I should probably announce the winners of the Better Homes and Gardens giveaway. In random order and chosen with the help of
Winner #1 - Comment 9 from Amelia
Amelia wants to try the Ravioli Skillet Lasagna. A perfect choice for the summer since you don't need to turn on the oven.
Winner #2 - Comment 8 from Michael
Michael strayed from the recipe archive and found a tutorial on Meat-Cutting Techniques. Another timely choice since the summer grilling season is here.
Winner #3 - Comment 5 from Yuri
Yuri went for something on the sweeter side of life and chose the Double Chocolate Lava Baby Cakes recipe as the one she'd like to try. I'm with her... these little baby cakes look heavenly!
Winner #4 - Comment 2 from Marnely
Marnely went all out and earned herself bonus entries by tweeting about the giveaway and for posting the link to the post on Facebook. Doing that paid off because she snagged herself a subscription to Better Homes and Gardens. Her choice of recipe? The Fish Tacos with Cabbage and Chile Pepper Slaw. I see everyone's looking for dishes that will work in the summer heat!
Winner #5 - Comment 11 from Dahlia
Dahlia also took advantage of the bonus entry situation and one the last prize by tweeting about the giveaway. She chose the Fruited Pumpkin Loaf, which sounds like it would be perfect for breakfast, lunch, or afternoon tea. If you're into that sort of thing.
Thanks to all who entered and congratulations to the winners! Look for an email from me in the next couple of days -- I'll need your mailing addresses. If you didn't win this time around, don't be too sad. I'm planning a few more giveaways over the next few months. Stay tuned!
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