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2024 Thanksgiving Menu and Meal Prep Timeline

* image These past few months have been busy for our family, especially since our oldest joined a local swim team. Between juggling our work schedules and balancing school with practices... we're all pretty wiped out. Although it's a lot of work, I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. Preparing the holiday meal for our family fills my heart with joy, and I can't wait to get started. To make things easier for me, I don't deviate much from  our first Thanksgiving  as a family. The dishes I make are familiar ones, and the recipes for them live at my fingertips. Keeping the same menu year after year means I don't have to spend time researching recipes or planning a new one. Here are my tried-and-true Thanksgiving recipes, as well as my prep timeline for the big day!

Menu Plan: July 9 - July 15 {and a Pregnancy Update}

Looking for dinner inspiration? Here's what I've planned for dinner at our house this week!

Wow, what a week it's been.

Those of you who keep tabs on me via Facebook and Instagram already know this... But for those of you who don't, I have some news about my pregnancy.

Our sweet baby boy made his earlier-than-expected entrance into the world a week ago. In the blink of an eye, my status at the hospital went from "high-risk undelivered" to "NICU mom". Then, after a slightly extended recovery period, my doctors discharged me, and I went home while he stayed in the NICU.

He's still there now.

Most of what happened since the night he was born is still a blur. But I do want to continue sharing pieces of my pregnancy story with you, so I'm going to take some time to sort through the details. Look for a blog post about his arrival in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, even though it's late, here's our menu plan for the week.

Menu Plan: July 9 - July 15, 2017



Cowboy Rice Salad with Brown Rice



Stephen's Choice




Pizza with Italian Sausage and Mushrooms


What's for dinner at YOUR house this week?

Thinking of starting a menu planning routine? Check out my previous menu plans, as well as these helpful meal planning tips. And if you need even more dinner inspiration, then don't forget to follow my special Meals from the Menu Plan Pinterest board!


One year ago: A Month of Dinners: Menu Plan for July {MENU PLAN}
Two years ago: Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato {RECIPE}
Three years ago: Pasta Salad with Baby Arugula and Grape Tomatoes {RECIPE}
Four years ago: Menu Plan: July 8 - July 13 {MENU PLAN}
Five years ago: The JC100: A Celebration of Julia Child - Minette's Feast by Susanna Reich {REVIEW}
Six years ago: Stephi's on Tremont {REVIEW}
Seven years ago: Cookbook Souvenir: Recipes from the Rim {TRAVEL}
Eight years ago: Montana Whoppers {RECIPE} -- SUPER POPULAR

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