What's for Dinner: February 20 - February 26

Sleeping Koala | Photo by Cris Saur via Unsplash

An actual photo of me after this weekend.

I wish I could say I'm exhausted because of a jam-packed schedule. But that's not the case.

My husband went out of town on Friday night for a quick overnight work trip. So after a long week of work and school, I had the kids. 

I kept things light knowing that I'd be solo-parenting. That meant pajamas all day, a cupcake baking adventure, and a movie night with dinner in front of the TV. Our little trio was having a great weekend... but the wheels came off as soon as my husband came home.

I was hoping for a quiet day so I could catch up on some things. Unfortunately, that wasn't in the cards. My husband and I tried to end the night on a high note by having a boisterous Queen sing-along with the kids... But then our son completely melted down as he was getting ready for bed, putting everyone on edge.

We tried.

Before I head up to bed for the night, here's our menu plan. Keep reading to see what's on deck for dinner at our house this week!

A Week of Dinners: February 20 - February 23

What do you have planned for dinner at your house this week?

Need Help Menu Planning? 


One year agoTidbits

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