A Letter to Our Son on His 5th Birthday

This summer is full of major transitions for our youngest.
We kicked the season off with his preschool graduation a couple of weeks ago... which means he's headed off to kindergarten in the fall.
He'll have one more week at his current school before joining his sister at summer camp.
As if all that wasn't exciting enough, today just happens to be his FIFTH birthday!
Unlike previous birthdays, he did NOT come to us with a list of specific wants. In fact, I recently asked him what he wanted to do to celebrate, and he said, "I don't have a plan in my head this year."
In any other year, this would have caught me off-guard. But I'm relieved that he didn't have anything mapped out in his head... because his plan might have derailed the weekend of surprises we've already arranged.
Much like we did back in March for our daughter's birthday... my husband and I planned a Super Special Secret Birthday Adventure for our sweet boy. I can't wait to see the look on his face once we get to our first stop!
But before that, a little tradition... Keep scrolling to read the open letter I wrote to our son in recognition of this milestone birthday.
Dear JJ,
You turned five years old today!
I bet turning five doesn't feel all that different to you than turning four did. But, trust me, turning five is a pretty big deal.
While you still want to do everything your sister does when she does it, you're starting to forge your own path... and it's really exciting to watch!
You show us every single day that you have your own ideas about how the world works. (Or how it should work.) You make observations that the rest of us miss... and you share insights that make us pause -- mostly in awe -- because they display wisdom that is well beyond your years.
Your natural curiosity is in for a treat this fall as you go off to kindergarten. You're going to love learning new things, and I can't wait to hear your perspectives on those lessons. I'm already looking forward to the discussions we'll have at the dinner table!
Your personality grows every day... as does your empathy and your capacity for true thoughtfulness. You've developed a deeper sense of what it means to be part of a family and part of a community... and your actions toward others are proof of your empathy and kindness. The love in your heart is pure, and the lives of those receiving your love are fuller because of it.
I know mine is.
My hope for you this next year is that you continue exploring the world around you. Ask questions. Try new things and discover the ones that fill your heart with joy. Build that confidence that lies within you and have more faith in your ability to do the things you think are hard.
For my part, I will do everything in my power to encourage you along the way.
I love you, sweet boy. Every day. All day.
One year ago: A Letter to Our Son on His 4th Birthday
Two years ago: A Letter to Our Son on His 3rd Birthday
Three years ago: What's for Dinner: June 23 - June 29 {and Some Bonus Menu Plans}
Four years ago: How To: Make Apple Prune Purée for Babies
Five years ago: Weekend Reading {and a Pregnancy Update}
Six years ago: A Month of Dinners: Menu Plan for July
Seven years ago: 26 Refreshing Summertime Beverages
Eight years ago: 46 Summer Picnic Recipes
Ten years ago: On the Side: Scenes from the Commute
Eleven years ago: Feed Me Friday
Twelve years ago: More Than I Bargained for at Blue Fin
Thirteen years ago: Quick and Easy White Sangria
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